Monday, July 14, 2008

Clay to speak on UNICEF/ Delta Kappa Gamma CD

A special announcement will be made this month about a CD produced by Delta Kappa Gamma and UNICEF where though Clay will not sing, he will speak about Afghanistan. The CD will be sold to raise funds for The Afghan Teacher Training Project. Delta Kappa Gamma is a professional honor society of women educators who is involved in this project. Janice Moen, the International Music Representative of the society, has written the following information about the CD on her blog called Moen's Musical Moments:
Music for the Afghan Teacher Training Project

There will be an exciting announcement made in Chicago this July. Delta Kappa Gamma has teamed with UNICEF to produce a CD that will serve as a fund-raiser for the Afghan Teacher Training Project. We are so excited to tell you all about it. The CD features the song "We Sing for the Children" which Northwest members sang in Vancouver, B.C. last summer. There is an update on the work being done in Afghanistan and interviews with Afghan teachers, UNICEF staff and the popular singing star Clay Aiken. You will be able to get a CD by making a donation of $15.00 or more at the convention.
In addition, after receiving several questions about purchasing this CD, Ms. Moen writes the following info at Moen's Musical Moments about how the CD can be purchased:
The CD will also be available after the convention. It will be sold through Delta Kappa Gamma and at the United Nations Gift Shop. All the proceeds, wherever purchased, will go to the Afghan Teacher Training Project.

Clay Aiken will only be speaking on the CD. He is a US Fund for UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International - Afghan Project

The current project for which Delta Kappa Gamma has partnered with UNICEF is funding for teacher training in Afghanistan. Afghanistan's education system is in a state of virtual collapse. Aside from the war damage to the country, the Taliban regime barred girls from the classroom and prevented the majority of teachers, who are women, from working. As an international women's organization dedicated to excellence in education, an opportunity exists for Delta Kappa Gamma to become a key partner in improving the education of hundreds of thousands of Afghan children.

Members of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International are invited to join the U.S. Fund for UNICEF to support a partnership in education which includes a compelling training program for educators in Afghanistan. UNICEF has been entrusted by the Government of Afghanistan and the Ministry of Education to play a major role in the reconstruction of the national educational system.

Please download and print out the US Fund for UNICEF's brochure, which contains a contribution form and give as generously as you can to this worthy project.

Thanks to CDD for this information!

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