Monday, July 21, 2008

Clay Spotting

I found this from CDD who go it from The Clayboard, and it was originally at Clayversity and The Ideal Idol. The blog is called "The Wyatt Times" and is just a typical family blog, until you get to the part about Clay:
After church, we went to Smithfields BBQ, and guess who was there? Clay Aiken. He was sitting outside in the shade with a couple people, not drawing any attention to himself. It was kind of fun to see someone famous, even if it was just an American Idol guy.
Then a friend commented back to her something nice:
How cool was it that you saw Clay Aiken at Smithfields? Was that the one in Morrisville or Rocky Mount?
Its obvious from her comment that she's not a Clay fan, but I thought her comments and her friend's comments were very nice about it being "fun" and "cool" to see Clay. And, of course, its great to know that Clay is enjoying his time off with friend and family.

I thought this would be nice to post since there hasn't been much Clay news lately!

1 comment:

Beautifully Broken said...

did you get a picture??I know he has off,but how often can you meet Clay Aiken??